
The following examples provides clear explanations for connecting to helyOS, publishing messages, and receiving messages using the Agent Connector. It also emphasizes security considerations.

Connect to helyOS via AMQP

To establish a connection to HelyOS using AMQP, follow these steps:

from helyos_agent_sdk import HelyOSClient

helyos_client = HelyOSClient("dev2.rabbitmq.net", uuid="01234-01234-01234")
helyos_client.connect(username="01234-01234-01234", password="secret_password")
helyos_client.perform_checkin(yard_uid="0", agent_data={'name':"my truck", 'factsheet':user_defined_dict})
print(helyos_client.checkin_data) # Data from helyOS containing yard information.

Connect to helyOS via MQTT

To establish a connection to HelyOS using MQTT, use the HelyOSMQTTClient as shown below:

from helyos_agent_sdk import HelyOSMQTTClient

helyos_client = HelyOSMQTTClient("dev2.rabbitmq.net", uuid="01234-01234-01234")
helyos_client.connect(username="01234-01234-01234", password="secret_password")
helyos_client.perform_checkin(yard_uid="0", agent_data={'name':"my truck", 'factsheet':user_defined_dict})
print(helyos_client.checkin_data) # Data containing yard information.

Connect to helyOS via AMQP without an account

If the agent does not have an account yet but possesses the helyOS registration token, you can call perform_checkin() method without running the connect() method. helyOS will automatically create a Rabbitmq account using the UUID as the username.

from helyos_agent_sdk import HelyOSClient

if os.environ.get('REGISTRATION_TOKEN', None):
    helyos_client = HelyOSClient("dev2.rabbitmq.net", uuid="01234-01234-01234")
    # not used => helyos_client.connect(username="01234-01234-01234", password="secret_password")
    helyos_client.perform_checkin(yard_uid="0", agent_data={'name':"my truck", 'factsheet':user_defined_dict})
    print(helyos_client.checkin_data) # Data containing yard and new authentication credentials.

Connect to helyOS with SSL

from helyos_agent_sdk import HelyOSMQTTClient, HelyOSClient

    Client = HelyOSClient
    port = 5671
    Client = HelyOSMQTTClient
    port = 8883

with open(CACERTIFICATE_FILENAME, "r") as f:
    CA_CERTIFICATE = f.read()
    helyos_client = Client("dev2.rabbitmq.net", port, uuid="01234-01234-01234",
                            enable_ssl=True, ca_certificate=CA_CERTIFICATE)

helyos_client.connect(username="01234-01234-01234", password="secret_password")
helyos_client.perform_checkin(yard_uid="0", agent_data={'name':"my truck", 'factsheet':user_defined_dict})

Create an Agent Connector and publish messages to helyOS

To create an Agent Connector and publish messages to HelyOS, follow these steps:

from helyos_agent_sdk import AgentConnector
from helyos_agent_sdk.models import AssignmentCurrentStatus

agent_connector = AgentConnector(helyos_client)
assignment_status = AssignmentCurrentStatus(id=1, status='executing', result={})
agent_connector.publish_state(status='free', assignment_status= assignment_status)
agent_connector.publish_sensors(x=43243, y=423423, z=0, orientations=[0], sensors={'temperature': 36})
agent_connector.publish_general_updates({'x': 43243, 'name': "my truck"})

Signing Published Messages for Increased Security

To enhance security, you can sign the published messages using the agent’s private key. If private and public keys are not provided, the HelyOSClient will generate a new key pair at initialization. The agent’s public is loaded to helyOS core in the checkin process and can be upadated using the admin dashboard.

from helyos_agent_sdk import AgentConnector, HelyOSClient
from helyos_agent_sdk.models import AssignmentCurrentStatus

helyos_client = HelyOSClient("dev2.rabbitmq.net", uuid="01234-01234-01234",
                              agent_pubkey=AGENT_PUBLIC_KEY, agent_privkey=AGENT_PRIVATE_KEY)
helyos_client.connect(username="01234-01234-01234", password="secret_password")
helyos_client.perform_checkin(yard_uid="0", agent_data={'name':"my truck", 'factsheet':user_defined_dict})

agent_connector = AgentConnector(helyos_client)
assignment_status = AssignmentCurrentStatus(id=1, status='executing', result={})
agent_connector.publish_state(status='free', assignment_status= assignment_status, signed=True)
agent_connector.publish_sensors(x=43243, y=423423, sensors={'temperature': 36}, signed=False)
agent_connector.publish_general_updates({x=43243, name='your truck', geometry=user_defined_dict, signed=True)

Use the agent connector to receive messsages from helyOS

from helyos_agent_sdk.crypto import verify_signature

def example_callback(ch, sender, parsed_data, message_str, signature):
    if PROTOCOL == "AMQP" and sender is not 'helyos_core':
        throw Exception("Invalid sender")
    if PROTOCOL == "MQTT":
        verify_signature(message_str, signature, helyos_client.helyos_public_key)
    print("callback", parsed_data)

agent_connector.consume_assignment_messages(assignment_callback=example_callback) # assignment
agent_connector.consume_instant_action_messages( reserve_callback=example_callback,# reserve for mission
                                             release_callback=example_callback,# release from mission
                                             cancel_callback=example_callback) # cancel assignment

In the example_callback(), the parameter sender is the validated username of the RabbitMQ account of the client that sent the message. This parameter is not available when use MQTT; sender=`None` in this case. For MQTT, you may use the signature parameter to validate the message sender.

In the publish_sensors(), the parameter sensors has an arbitrary data format. If you don’t have any strict requirement, you may use the helyos-native data format:

[field_id: string]:
“value” : string | number, required
“title” : string, required
“type” : string = “string” or “number”, required
“description”: string,
“unit”: string,
“minimum” : number,
“maximum” : number,
“maxLength”: number,
“minLength”: number


sensors = {
  "sensor_set_2": {
    "velocity_01": {
           "title": "velocity",
           "value": 20,
           "type": "number",
           "unit": "km/h",
           "minimum": 0,
           "maximum": 200
      "back_door_status": {
           "title": "Truck door",
           "value": "half-open",
           "type": "string",
           "unit": "km/h",
           "minLength": 5,
           "maxLength": 10

You may check helyos_agent_sdk.client.HelyOSClient for more details regarding the current methods.

For resource attributes you may refer to helyos_agent_sdk.models