helyos_agent_sdk.crypto module

helyos_agent_sdk.crypto.verify_signature(message_string, signature, public_key)

Verify the signature of a message with the public key provided

Implements the function that verifies the signature of a message

  • message_string (str) – The message

  • signature (bytes, str) – The signature of the message in hex or bytes format

  • public_key (bytes, str, list) – The public key for verifying the signature of the message

class helyos_agent_sdk.crypto.Signing(private_key=None)

Bases: object

__init__(private_key=None) None

Signing class

Implements several functions to facilitate the handling of private keys and the signing of messages.


private_key (bytes, str, _RSAPrivateKey) – The private key for signing the messages

verify_own_signature(message_string, signature)

Verify the signature of a message signed with the private key provided

Verification only Implements the function that verifies the signature of a message signed with the own private key

  • message_string (str) – The message

  • signature (bytes, str) – The signature of the message


Signs the message string provided and returns signature in bytes format :param message_string: The message str :type message_string: str